Inverness Homeowners Association

      Access to the pool, tennis courts, and restrooms is by key only. The first key issued to a homeowner by the IHOA is free. A charge of $5.00 will be made for any subsequent key that is issued. Replacement keys will only be given to a requesting homeowner (i.e. not to children of the homeowner). Residents are permitted to copy their individual keys. Contact the HOA President for replacement keys.

     No parking is permitted in the pool/tennis court parking lot after closing. Vehicles left in the lot overnight may be towed. Any suspected illegal activity observed in the area should be reported immediately to the Mobile Police Department. 

        A substantial portion of the Inverness HOA fee goes to maintaining the community swimming pool and tennis courts. In order to assure the beauty and safety of these assets to our community, it is important for all residents to be mindful of and follow the rules regarding their use.